Since 1859, the grade II* listed Loughborough Bellfoundry, home to historic bellmakers John Taylor & Co., has cast more than 25,000 bells that are hung in over 100 countries around the world.
The Loughborough Bellfoundry Trust was established to save and protect the historic John Taylor bellfoundry buildings, archive and museum collections for future generations. Over a two year period, they refurbished the entire site to launch a brand new museum and visitor attraction this autumn. I was commissioned to create this information graphic diagram showing the different elements that make up a working bell by Redman Design.

This Vodka Production flow chart was hand illustrated (including the text) and then later hand painted onto the wall of the training room at the Absolut Distillery in Ahus, Sweden.
The hand crafted nature of the artwork complements the craft and skill that goes into producing such a premium grain spirit product as Absolut Elyx.

Hand illustrated information graphics produced for Merchant House in London, in association with Rutte Distillery in Holland. They combined to produce a special menu specifically for Drink Up London during London Cocktail Week. The illustrations clearly and graphically demonstrate the construction of the drinks.
I used the same principle to create an artwork print to explain the differences between popular coffee serves. This print is available from my online store.

The following textbook diagrams and board game instructions were produced in response to the 2023 Inktober challenge.