I've produced artwork for many map projects during my career. A specific highlight was being invited by London Agency Made Thought to produce an illustrated map for Heckfield Place. Voted the Sunday Times Hotel of the Year 2018, the venue has been almost ten years in the making. The exacting standards and eye for detail of the owner were mainly concerned with the build and interiors, but it was the grounds that I was involved with portraying.
This illustrated map of the grounds identifies a variety of pathed walks taking in as much or as little of the 400 acres across the site as preferred. Attention to detail was key and the arboretum is illustrated with 33 different types of tree - some of which were shipped to the UK specifically by the Victorian head gardener William Wildsmith and were unique to this part of the world at the time.
The map itself folds down from A3 to a pocket size guide with a numbered key identifying each tree on the inside cover.

My interpretation of the map from Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island. Produced as part of a series of drawings in response to the official Inktober 2023 prompts.

A heavily antiqued, large format, old nautical style illustrated map of the Antilles, demonstrating the traditional country of origin of different Rum products.
Clockwise from top left, Havana Club (Cuba), Brugal (Dominican Republic), Bacardi (Puerto Rico), Mount Gay (Barbados), El Dorado (Guyana), Diplomatico (Venezuela) and Appleton Estate (Jamaica).

This hand illustrated, vintage nautical style map of Cornwall was commissioned and produced for a retirement home building development brochure.
As with much of my work I produce a black and white line illustration of the subject first before adding layers of colour and texture later.